
How we approach customizing a Kindergarten lesson When teaching little kids, our approach to engage them is to provide a fun yet educational lesson that has a clear purpose. The lesson is only 40 minutes, so every minute is very important. The lesson is designed and prepared so that the students can experience maximum English… Continue reading 幼稚園向けにカスタマイズされた英語レッスン


How we approach customizing a lesson What exactly does a customized lesson mean? I will share an example on how I approach teaching English in a way that not only appeals to the student, but also effectively helps them learn in their own way. カスタマイズされたレッスンとは具体的に何を意味しますか? 生徒の興味を引くだけでなく、生徒が独自の方法で効果的に学習できるように、私がどのように英語を教えているかについての例を紹介します。 A student joined our school not long ago. He’s… Continue reading 中学生向けカスタム英会話例


English Idioms 英語の熟語 English idioms are an essential part of conversation with native speakers in almost any setting. They not only make conversation more impactful, but they also display a certain mastery of the language. For someone who really wants to understand native speakers, understanding idioms is a great way to boost your language toolkit.… Continue reading 英語のイディオム


Why I Do This Hello again John Dianovich here. Since the school has opened I’ve decided to share my perspective and reasons for making this dream a reality. First, I believe it’s absolutely crucial to be inspired to teach English. For me this isn’t simply just work, this is my passion. Determining what you are… Continue reading 英語教師になろうと思った理由

Why Japanese can’t speak English

Preface As an English teacher, it’s something I’ve thought about especially recently. For a society to spend so much time, money, and even develop a system of writing just for foreign words, only to rarely if ever use English outside the classroom is really perplexing. The system used called “katakana” can be used for any… Continue reading Why Japanese can’t speak English